
QIC ChildRep User Forum

In the interest of fairness and transparency, all inquiries and responses regarding the RFP will be posted here for sharing.  Please email questions to QIC-ChildRep@umich.edu and we will respond to your email and post your questions and the responses to the Forum below titled "Q & A for RFP." 

We look forward to your questions.


ForumForumDiscussionsDiscussionsQ & A about RFPQ & A about RFPQuestion from Karen Worthington from HIQuestion from Karen Worthington from HI
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 2/2/2011 12:18 PM

Hi Don,

Some jurisdictions have attorneys in private practice who represent children and are NACC Child Welfare Law Specialists. Presumably, attorneys who are NACC-certified, have training and experience that would make their representation more like the QIC Child Rep Model than non-certified attorneys. Even if the certified attorneys aren't able to fully implement best practices, they may not want to be randomly selected to provide representation in a control group (because they know what best practice looks like). If this is true, are NACC-certified attorneys ineligible to be included in the study sample if they are unwilling to agree to the possibility of being asked to represent children in the control group?


Karen Worthington, JD
Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Consultant

Hi Karen,

Hope you are well and enjoying your new life in Hawaii.

NACC Child Welfare Law Specialists (CWLS), like any other lawyer in partner site would be randomly assigned to our comparison or experimental group. We would not make special arrangement for them and would ask them to continue representing children in the way they ordinarily do.


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QIC-ChildRep Best Practice Model initial two-day training agenda, with links to original training material. 

Please see Children's Justice: How to Improve Legal Representation for Children in the Child Welfare System chapter 5 for a full narrative about the training materials.


1.     Introduction and Enter the Child’s World
(Presenter’s Notes; Power Point Slides)

2.     Identity Circle
(Presenter’s Notes)

3.     Child Development & Trauma
(Presenter’s Notes; Power Point; Video)

4.     Interviewing and Counseling Child Clients
(Presenter’s Notes; Power PointVideo)
Part One 0 - 15.05
Part Two - Marco's Choice - 15.05-30:00

5.     Child Safety Decision-making
(Presenter’s Notes and Graphic1 & 2)


6.     Emergency Removal and Placement - Case Scenario - Marco’s Case Part One 

7.     Actively Evaluate Needs
(Presenter’s Notes; Power Point)

8.     Theory of the Case
(Power Point; Case Scenario)

9.     Advocate Effectively; Non-Adversarial Case Resolution
(Presenter’s Notes; Power Point)

10.  Advance Case Planning
(Presenter’s Notes; Case Plan Example, GA;  Power Point)

11.  Disposition - Case Scenario – Marco’s Case Part Two 

12.  Monitoring Well-being
(Presenter’s Notes; Power Point)

13. Permanency Decisions - Case Scenario – Marco’s Case Part Three